Monday, November 29, 2010

christmas is upon us....

i love this time of year! the reason for the season, music, decorations, shopping, kids excitement, family time... i could go on and on! the holiday season is awesome! the kids got so excited about decorating the christmas tree this year that we decided to do it earlier than normal. we decorated it the weekend before thanksgiving. t and i figure that one day the kids are going to care less about decorating the tree.... so for now, we aren't going to necessarily put a time frame on things. their excitement makes it so much fun and we are enjoying it while we can. =)

a few nights ago i made gingerbread cookies with c and s. e wasn't all that interested.... we had a good time making them. this is the first year we have done it, and we just might have to make it a tradition. i'm not sure why i didn't buy the big tubes of icing bc the kids definitely didn't have the philosophy of "less is more." =) we just about ran out of icing so that is why most of the cookies aren't decorated that much. i'll have to keep that in mind for next year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I usually don’t post in Blogs but your blog forced me to, amazing work.. beautiful …